Are you interested in contributing to the PeopleOps community through either cash or in-kind sponsorship?

Why Sponsor PeopleOps?

Your sponsorship will support PeopleOps networking and educational events held at local tech offices, co-working spaces, and local businesses. PeopleOps is on track to grow our membership throughout 2019 with the growth of the industry in the Pacific North West. With your support we can continue to engage and educate our members and grow PeopleOps into a diverse and dynamic professional organization.

As a sponsor of PeopleOps, you will gain exposure to key decision makers and influencers within local tech companies through multiple channels, including our active member’s only Slack group, website presence, and speaking opportunities at sponsored events.

For More Information

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor and to learn more about how we partner with organizations, please contact us using the form below. Thank you!